How can we help you?

  • How to get more learner’s attention?

    How do you get more learners’ attention?

    Get a good review score. You will be rated for each chat by your partner. The learner evaluates you in attitude, helpful or not, punctuation, etc. Of course, they will choose tutors based on the review score.

    Set your availability as much as possible.

    Write a good review to let your partner know where they should improve. They like specific, explicit feedback.

    How to register as a tutor?

    Please follow these steps:

    1. Visit our website or

    2. Choose your role at the top of the home page: Tutor or Learner?

    3. Click “Sign up” or “Become a Tutor/Learner”.

    4. Fill in your information on the new registration page. Make sure you fill in all your information correctly. Otherwise, you would miss your partner’s invitation. You can update all information in your account once you log in.

        Your chat rate--how much do you want to earn from a chat? 

        Time Zone-- must match your actual zone otherwise you might get an unexpected time appointment.

    5. If you input everything correctly and submit it, you will get a verification email shortly. Go to your inbox or maybe the Spam/Junk folder, check the email, and verify your registration by clicking the link in your email.

    6. Install chat tool-- En Chat is. All chats will happen on this APP. It can only be installed on your smartphone, regardless of the iOS or Android system. 

    7. Log in En Chat with your email and website password to check your timetable and chat record.

  • Q&A

    Q: Why does nobody choose me to chat with?

    A: Maybe your availability is limited. Set it as more as possible to let more learners find you.

    Maybe your rate is high. Start at a lower rate to attract more learners. You can adjust it higher as you become more popular.

    Check your email including junk inbox if you have missed the notification email.


    Q: What if my internet has an outage during the chat?

    A: If your internet can recover shortly, just re-enter the chat room; if your internet can not recover and causes you to miss the chat or not complete the chat, the learner would get credit for that chat and will use it to book another chat with you or other tutors.

    Q: What if I quit the chat accidentally?

    A: You can open the En Chat APP and re-enter the chatroom in 5 mins. After that time, the chatroom will be closed.


    QWhat if my partner doesn’t show up?

    A: If your partner is late than 10 mins, you can quit the chat room. That chat will be treated as undone. The tutor won’t get the reward for undone or unsuccessful chats, and the learner won’t get a refund.


    Q: When can I redeem my reward?

    A: Anytime. But due to the transaction fee (which varies for a different country, 2% for US domestic transfer), we recommend you redeem your reward of $10 and above each time. For example, if you are in the US, submit a $10 redeem request and the payee is in the US as well, the payee will receive $9.8 actually.


    Q: I can’t attend the scheduled chat, how to cancel it?

    A: Log in to your account on our website and enter your timetable, find the chat you want to cancel then click the “Cancel” button. The learner and you will receive an email notification shortly. You won’t have any loss for such cancellation.


    Q: I don’t want to chat anymore, how to set me invisible for learners?

    A: Just cancel all your availability.

    How to start a chat?

    How to start a chat?


    Sign up on our website to create your account.

    Set your time rate and your availability.

    Download the chat APP En Chat from the APP store. For Android, go to Google Play and search “En Chat”; For iOS (iPhone & iPad), go to the APP store, and search “En Chat”. Log in using your email. The password is the same as your registration on our website.

    Set Allow notification for this APP on your smartphone to receive reminders of your chats.

    Wait for the learner to choose you. Once the chat is created successfully, you will get a confirmation email. You can view your timetable either under your account or in En Chat APP.


    How to chat?

    How to chat?

    Once a learner makes an appointment with you, you will receive a confirmation email that a chat was created. Log in En Chat APP to check your timetable. Your cell phone will receive a  message 30 and 5 minutes prior to the appointment starts. Open the En Chat, check your audio device functionality, then you can wait for your partner to join in the chat room.  During the video chat, you can text message your partner. The chat room will close after 30 minutes time up. 

    End or quit a chat

    End a chat

    If you don't like to chat with your partner you can quit without any loss, please quit within 10 minutes as the chat starts and in a respectful manner.

    Write a review for each chat as detailed as possible. The review should contain but not limit these topics: Fluency and coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, Pronunciation.

  • How to register as a learner?

    Visit our website or

    Choose your role at the home page: Tutor or Learner?

    Click “Sign up” or “Become a Tutor/Learner”.

    Fill in your information on the new registration page. Make sure you fill in all your information correctly. You can update all information in your account once you log in.  Your time Zone- must match your actual zone otherwise you might make an unexpected appointment.

    If you input everything correctly and submit it, you will get a verification email shortly. Go to your inbox or maybe the Spam/Junk folder, check the email, and verify your registration by clicking the link in your email.

    Install chat tool---En Chat. It is a video chat APP dedicated designed for WeSpeakEnglish platform. All chats will happen on this APP. It can be installed on your smartphone only. 

    Log in En Chat with your email and website password to check your timetable and chat record.

  • End or quit a chat

    If you don't like your partner, please quit/end the chat within 10 minutes as the chat starts. The full tuition fee you paid will go to your account. All chats that end within 10 minutes won't cause any monetary issues for both parties.

    If you quit after 10 minutes as the chat starts, including unintentionally offline(device or internet connection problem), and do not return,  the tuition fee will be fully deducted.


    Q: What if my internet has an outage during the chat?

    A: If your internet can recover shortly, just re-enter the chat room; if your internet can not recover and causes you to miss the chat or not complete the chat, the tutor would wait for you to come back no more than 5 mins, after that time, the chatroom will be closed. Try your best to return in 5 mins, if the chat has lasted more than 10 mins, your tuition fee will be fully deducted. No refund.


    Q: What if I quit the chat accidentally?

    A: You can open the En Chat APP and re-enter the classroom.


    QWhat if my partner doesn’t show up?

    A: If your partner is late than 5 mins, you can quit the chat room. That chat will be treated as undone. The tutor won’t get the reward for undone or unsuccessful chats, and the learner won’t get a refund.


    Q: I can’t attend the scheduled chat, how to cancel it?

    A: Log in your account on our website, enter your timetable, find the chat you want to cancel, and click the “Cancel” button. The tutor and you will receive an email notification shortly. You won’t have any loss for such a cancellation.

    How to chat?

    Once you make an appointment with a tutor successfully, you will receive a confirmation email that informs you of a chat created. Log in En Chat to check your timetable. Your cell phone will receive an alert 30 and 5 mins prior to the appointment starts. Open the En Chat, check your audio device functionality, then enter the chatroom. You can type messages to your partner. The chat room will close after 30 minutes time up.

    How to start a chat?

    Sign up on our website to create your account.

    Download the chat En Chat from App store and install it on your smartphone. For Android, go to Google Play and search “En Chat”; For iOS (iPhone & iPad), go to the APP store, and search “En Chat”. Log in using your email. The password is the same as your registration on our website.

    Set Allow notification for this APP on your smartphone to receive reminding of your chats

    Click the “Search Tutor” button to jump to the tutor list page, and select the partner (tutor) you like. Pay the chat(s) you have chosen.

    Once the chat(s) is created successfully, you will get a confirmation email. You can view your timetable under your account or En Chat APP.